Could hypnotherapy help students of Leicester & Loughborough at exam time?
This entry was posted in Anxiety, Counselling, exam stress, Hypnotherapy and tagged anxiety, Exam nerves, exam stress, Hypnotherapy, performance enhancement on .
Today’s education system asserts an immense amount of pressure on students. Terms like exam nerves or exam stress, that were never heard in the past, have become common today. There has been an ever-increasing expectation from students to perform better. Some students study for the whole year, but at exam time they tend to freeze. […]

Can hypnotherapy help me lose weight & keep it off for good?
This entry was posted in Hypnotherapy, Weight Loss and tagged diets, Hypnotherapy, lose weight, slimming, weight loss, weight reduction on .
With delicious and mouthwatering foods just around every corner, it’s difficult to stay away from cravings. Most of us have a negative body image and want to lose some extra pounds. Losing weight can be a daunting task. If you have tried losing weight and failed, you will know how depressing it can be. You […]

Private Counselling in Leicester
This entry was posted in Counselling, Relationship Counselling and tagged Counselling, Counselling Leicester, private counselling on .
Benefits of private counselling in Leicester We all face emotional problems at one time or another in our lives. These problems may vary greatly but can include anxiety & depression. Visiting a private counsellor in Leicester has proved to be an effective solution to deal with mental health issues. Simply put, counselling is a kind […]

Can Couples Counselling help Leicester Couples?
This entry was posted in Counselling, Relationship Counselling and tagged Counselling, Couples Conselling, Couples Therapy, Leicster Counselling, Marriage Guidance Counselling, Relationship Counselling on .
Let’s face it – marriages are tricky. After years of living together, the relationship may go stale or there might be a rough patch. The basic issue that underlies all relationship problems is ‘lack of communication’ and the couples counsellor’s at Therapy Services job is to address this very issue. So does it really work? […]

How do I know my therapist is a qualified professional?
This entry was posted in Counselling, Hypnotherapy and tagged Accredited Registers, Counselling, Hypnotherapy, Mental Health, National Counselling Society, National Hypnotherapy Society, Professional Standards Authority, Therapy on .
There are lots of things to consider when choosing the right therapist for you: Do they practise the type of therapy you are looking for? Are you able to get to their office or do they offer options such as online or phone therapy? Do you prefer a male or female therapist? Is the age […]

New Year New You
This entry was posted in Counselling, Hypnotherapy, Weight Loss and tagged Counselling, Hypnotherapy, New Year New You, Resolutions, Therapy on .
Need help with your New Year’s resolutions? 3 days into the New Year, how are your New Year’s resolutions going? We all know how it goes: January 1st – feel positive (maybe after the hangover has worn off!) starting making a whole list of New Year’s resolutions. Go out and buy a room full of expensive […]
The Facts (and popular Myths) of Hypnotherapy
This entry was posted in Hypnotherapy and tagged Facts, Hypnotherapy, Myths on .
Hypnotherapy is often surrounded in myths and fear, stage hypnotism, certain TV shows and fear of the unknown have all contributed to the rumours and fear that can surround hypnotherapy. The truth is very different and hypnotherapy can actually be a very useful tool in your therapeutic journey, see below for the truth about hypnotherapy: […]
Common Symptoms of Anxiety
This entry was posted in Hypnotherapy and tagged anxiety, Hypnotherapy on .
Anxiety is one of the most common reason I see clients in my practice, and it is important to remember that anxiety itself is a normal human emotion. Anxiety is what we all experience when faced with a stressful or dangerous situation, it is often referred to as our ‘flight or fight response’. Anxiety only […]

Do I need bereavement counselling?
This entry was posted in Counselling and tagged Bereavement, Counselling, Death, Grief, Leicester, Mental Health, Therapy on .
Following the death of someone significant in our lives, we all experience different types and intensities of grief. Whilst most of us will grieve at some point in our lives, not all of us will require bereavement counselling to help cope with that grief. So how do you know if you need bereavement counselling? And […]
Discounted Counselling and Hypnotherapy Sessions
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To celebrate the launch of our new look website www.therapyservices.org.uk we will be offering a £5 discount on any session booked and paid for in July 2014. (Usual session price £45).